Take Action

How do we demand rent control?

We are working to organize an action committee and create a petition to add rent control to the ballot. Since our elected representatives have repeatedly failed to impose rent control, we must create change ourselves. Just like the people of Arizona petitioned to bring abortion rights to the ballot in 2024, we can and will bring the topic of rent control to a vote by the people.

Our Goals

Share your story.

If you are a renter living in Arizona, you have likely been impacted by the price-fixing scheme and the cost of housing crisis. We are working to gather more information about how the people of Arizona have been impacted. Share your experience with us.

What else can we do?

Contact your state representatives.

Follow the ACLU Arizona's Guide to the Arizona Legislature to find and contact your representative.

More information coming soon about which Arizona legislators are responsible for rejecting bills proposed in 2023 to address the cost of housing crisis. Together we can put the pressure on our state representatives to represent the people.

Know your rights as a tenant.

Historic rent increases put everyone at risk. As the cost of rent increases, so do rates of eviction filings and unhoused people. Knowing your rights as a tenant can help you avoid predatory practices.